Monday, April 18, 2011

When I got up yesterday for Palm Sunday services I had already decided to skip yoga and so some extra kettlebell work with my new 20kg cannonball. I did not foresee having to put in 4 hours counting donations this weekend due to not seeing the new schedule. So no workout on Sunday.

While I'm trying to write this I'm watching UAlbany vs UMBC lacrosse. The Danes have not had a good season after a great start.

Spent an hour spinning for a warm up. Really felt tired this afternoon, but felt energized leaving the gym. I don't think I'll ever be able to stay for an entire class Jamie leads. She really has no clue what to do on a bike.

Kettlebell warm up was 3 rounds of 10 ball slams/air squats.

Long workout next was 5 rounds of:
5x 1 arm swing R,
5x clean & press R,
5x front squat R,
5x snatch R,
5 goblet squats,
5x 1 arm swing L,
5x clean & press L,
5x front squat L,
5x snatch L
5 goblet squats


A few rounds holding 2 bells racked tensing legs,glutes & back.
10 swings/10 breaths, 10 swings/9 breaths

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