Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Minor setback

Long story short, haven't felt really good in about 2 weeks. Took 10 days off the bike due to aches, pains and fatigue. (Probably had a kidney stone) I got on the trainer Saturday, and for taking all that time off I felt good about averaging 181 watts over 20 miles. I'm still not over it yet though and I keep feeling fatigued and spacey, almost dizzy. Talked to my GP about it and he was unconcerned, attributing it to "what is going around." Missed a couple of nice days too as it was sunny, warm and without strong breezes. Oh well.

Got 3 reps benching 205 last week off 3 boards. That felt pretty good.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Winter Training Time

I'm in week 16 with month 4 of this effort winding down and it will be time to reset goals and make some new ones. Although last week looked like my progress was stalled, it appears things may be looking up now. I just started keeping a log of everything I eat and I think by forcing myself to calculate calorie/carb/protein and fat consumption I may be able to improve my nutrition.

Saturday night's session on the trainer looked pretty decent. Not a record but good enough, 190 watts average for the entire ride. If I stay focused I may still be able to hit my goal of sub-200 lbs by my birthday.

Riding the KK has been going well enough that I should think about doing some structured workouts to improve power. Maybe 2 x 20s or PIs at least once or twice each week. I should also increase the ride volume a bit. 5 days may be stretching things so pushing the mileage out to 25 from 20.

More on that subject this Friday.