Monday, February 28, 2011

Started off with upper body work in the weight room, assisted dips & curls. A few weeks ago I had to use a stack of 100 lbs or more, now I'm finishing with 40.

I have a better kettlebell workout when I go in really warm, so I spent close to an hour on the spin bike before heading in.

Started off kb class with swings, ball slams and jumping jacks each for a minute.

W/ a partner, alt 2 bell farmer's walk/overhead hold. 2 reps.

1 to 4 reps L/R clean & press with pullup. 2 ladders.
Used a 45lb for 2nd set. Felt really good except I cant do more than one damn pull up. Yet.

Finished up with 1 min sets of, 2 hand swings, 1 hand R/L, American, goblet squats, 2 hand swings.

Nommed a protein bar (1/2) during my warm up spin. I think it helps.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Short, easy workout day today. 25 minute run on the treadmill after church then the 10:30 yoga class. Did just over 2 miles (2.1 - 2.2?). Between yesterday and today the thighs are pretty sore. Yoga was pretty easy today, no real leg work and minimal shoulder work.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Last Thursday's edition of Hell's Bells went pretty well. Spent 20 minutes on the spin bike before class and got in a minute late. Warm up was a short run around the parking lot, then swings starting every minute. 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/35/30/25/20/15/10/5. Sets 6-10 were pretty tough. More swings, 5 sets of russian/american. Then thrusters from 1 to 10 on each side. Finally, 2 long farmer's walk w/ 2 bells, alternating with overhead hold.

Took yesterday off, in honor of a foot of fresh snow,but hit it good today.

Warmed up with a 45 minute run on the treadmill (3.25 mi.). Felt remarkably good although really slow. The left knee felt a little wonky for a while but not bad. Followed that with 5 sets of swings, 2 sets of TGUs, the 2 rungs of clean and presses.

Finished on the spin bike for 30. Started getting nasty cramps in the calves.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tonight's kettlebell workout was challenging but not as hard as last Thursday.

Warm up, 3 sets of assisted dips, sit ups, presses, pushups
1 hour of easy spinning.

1 min swing, 1 min rest.

1 min russian/american swing, 1 min rest while everybody else did snatches;

30 sec waiter hold, alt left/right;

alt 1 min rope jump, 1 min swing;

3 x 5 k'bell burpees and farmer's walk;

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where'd my lung go?

Pleasant little change of pace tonight with the kettlebells. We didn't do any pressing, only swinging. I only had about 10 minutes to spin before class started, so I wasn't very well warmed up. Warm up alternating ball slams and air squats, that is to say, do air squats for as long as your partner is slamming his ball. I got paired up with a younger (and larger) dude, and a 30 lb medicine ball. The ball slam sets went 5/10/15/20. The last set sucked and I'm pretty sure I shredded a lung except there was no bloody froth.

The rest of the night was a wind-sucking blur, but I'm pretty sure we did:

a ladder of 2 arm swings (5/10/15/20/25/30) alternating with 6 goblet squats, performing a front kick after the squat, so 3 left/3 right;

a ladder of 1 to 10 reps, 2 arm, 1 arm swing, 1 arm high pull (each side);

6 x 1 minute sets of alternating russian and american swings.

This was easily the hardest workout I've had in this class yet. I even took an extra 5 minutes to chill out before hitting the spin class. I think I tanked out of energy so maybe its time to fuel up better before these tougher nights. At least I'm not hurting now, 3 hours later.

Monday, February 14, 2011

More kettlebell stuff

Good workout tonight.

Did some easy spinning for 45 minutes with a few out of the saddle medium-hard efforts.

Warm up was alternating swings and goblet squats.
swings: 30/25/20/10/5
squats: 6/7/8/9/10

Reviewed/practiced the TGU in much detail.
10 minutes of alternating russian/american swings and rest.
2 x 5 k'bell burpees w/ pushup with 53# bells.
strongman walk

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kettlebell == Pain

Kettlebell class #3.

A bit different approach to our warm up tonight. We paired off, one member of each pair taking a bell, the other a jump rope. We alternated jumping and swinging for 1 minute for at least 10 minutes, then substituted goblet squats for swings and planks for rope jumping. I suck at jumping rope, always have. The "warm up" lasted for half the class. For the last 30 minutes, I did ladders of 5/4/3/2/1 (clean and press), then clean/press/squat, then clean and lunge.

After the workout I hit the last 45 minutes of spin class, which was hard.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Early start

I make no secret that I have never made friends with my trainer. Although I managed a couple of months of good sessions in the early winter of 2009, I couldn't keep it up after roughing up my taint.

When I lost decent riding hours to daylight savings I had to something given my expanding girth.

Enter the Gym.

Spinning classes are offered at the Court Club and I figured, what the fuck, it cant be worse than any of the alternatives. Besides, it was a good opportunity to hang with my brother. Skip ahead to today, and, spinning classes suck quite a bit actually. I'll get back to that later, right now I want to talk about stuff I like.

I am becoming a big fan of strength training, but more than just trying to push big(ger) weights. One of the benefits of the gym membership is access to the many diverse fitness classes they offer. One of these is BodyPump. I can do without the canned techno crap, but non-stop large muscle activation with moderate weight is an ass-kicker.

I've also gotten quickly hooked on yoga. If you already practice yoga you're thinking, "yep, I'll bet." I scoffed for years at it thinking it was just a way to do stretching.

Although I've got a lot of new stuff going on, I'm going to mention kettlebell training last, and use this as log for what we go over in class. I can do two classes each week and the instructor runs everybody through basic stuff during the 1st half, then teaches more complicated technique in the 2nd.

Class 1:
warm up: J jacks, air squats,
2 arm swings, 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets.
2 arm swings, alt russian/american 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets
clean and press, 1 rung x 5 reps.

Class 2:
warm up: j jacks, air squats, knee ups, heel ups, planks
2 arm swings,
1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets.
1 arm swings, 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets.
2 arm swings, alt russian/american 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets
learned the TGU.
k'bell burpees.
Worked with a 35# bell tonight. Shattered.

Its been a few weeks since I put the bike on the Kurt so I have no idea what my wattage looks like. I do know that I want to get down to 180 by August 1st and I'm doing 6 and 7 days a week in the gym.