Tuesday, December 16, 2008

As it turns out, there is a line that shoots at 5:00, so by going early I can shoot and make it to fencing in the same night. There were only two of us so we made it through the entire course in an hour and we were done by 6 pm. I didn't catch my scores from each round but my total was 371 again. I was much more consistent tonight and was in the gold more frequently with several x's. Had some trouble settling on target and some release control as well. I managed to fall out into the blue only a few times.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's December already...

Iain is running indoor track so Monday night fencing is even quieter. Kind of want to take a break from the regular schedule and keep shooting, so I'm trying to shoot every other week in the Monday night archery league at West Albany Gun Club. Last night was the second week and it had mixed results.

The format is 3 rounds of 5 ends of 3 arrows, 45 arrows total from 18 meters.

Week 1 I settled down pretty quickly and shot a 371. 118/139/114, with a high end of 30.

Week 2 I never really settled down and seemed to chase my groups high-low, up-down. 331 106/106/119, high end of 27.