Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I really enjoyed this morning's WOD.

1. Push Press, 4 x 6
2. 10 rounds for time
    5 handstand push ups, scaled to a. get upside down, b. 8 hand-release push ups
    10 American KB swings (24kg)

I held back just a bit on the push presses as I want to have good shoulders for tomorrow's bench session.

I've met with Jim R. and Chris D twice and really had great workouts.
Week 1: 5x5 @180, finishing with board presses and db presses.
Week 2: 5x3 @185, finishing with floor presses (?) and tricep ext/rows. 
I need to write down the content of the works sets! Jim is working up a schedule to build towards some big singles. I'm looking to top out over 250 at the end of the next couple of cycles and hit 300 in the early fall.

I went over 300# doing triples and doubles in the back squat last Thursday and felt very good. I could use more depth and I should set up the GoPro to analyze my depth and posture coming out of the hole. Based on how I felt after a good warm up and topping out at 335, I think a 1 rep max around 400 is possible.

All continues to go well with the diet. last Friday's check in with Judy went like this, down a total of 10 lbs, but lean muscle mass is up 10 lbs. So I've shed 20 lbs of fat. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Last Friday I met with Judy for a 2/3 week weigh-in. The final number was actually a net loss of 7 lbs, with an increase in lean muscle mass of ~2.5 lbs. I'll take that. One of the important topics we talked about at this meeting was pre-/during and post- workout nutrition. The plan is to not alter the 2400 cal/5 meal per day template, but feed each workout. At the moment I don't have a strict plan for pre-workout fueling, but for workouts lasting longer than 90 minutes I will shoot for around 300 calories per hour (total food & drink), plus 30 ounces of water** (water/energy drink) and 600 mg of sodium. I'll post more here about the products once I've picked them up and tried them. for post-workout, I'll either make my own or use a commercial product. For post-cycling I may pick up a container of Accelerade or Endurox, but for WODs, lifting, etc I've been experimenting with Myoplex and a shake made from water, almond milk, ON whey protein and fruit. Time will tell if I feel strong from one workout to the next.    

The eating plan continues to be easy to follow although sometimes still hard to get all my calories in. I also continue to be relatively free from the desire to go out to the kitchen and binge.

I inadvertently got 2 heavy deadlift sessions on successive days. Yesterday's WOD had 5x2 heavies between a warmup and the AMRAP and I'd already worked a few sets of speed pulls into 3 singles on Monday before going to spin. Still, after going easy for a few I pulled 385 on the last set and missed rep 2. 

Today I finished a 3-3-3 set of push jerks with 2 shaky reps at 175 and missed #3. Something to look forward to ;)

Tomorrow ought to be very interesting. Jim R invited me to join he and Chris D at his garage to start bench press sessions.  

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I finished up with OnRamp last Friday and my impressions were really positive. I like the workout structure. I like most of the content. I'll save any commentary on philosophical differences for later after I have some time logged.

I signed up for 3 months on Monday and am looking forward to seeing what I can do. I hit the 7 am WODs on Tuesday and Wednesday then Viv's kettlebell class tonight. So many thoughts.

Some early positive reactions.

I've spoken to several coaches now and I feel really good about having so many sources of information right there. I know I'm going to have questions about fitting in WODs/extras into a week, especially around cycling, and it'll be great to have other ideas rather than coming up with all that on my own.

There is an emerging focus to include powerlifting techniques into the Crossfit gyms. Since that is already familiar to me and something I like doing it should provide some enjoyable stimulus. I also I'm excited to learn and work on the olympic lifts. Had a great time on Tuesday with the split jerk.

There's a really good energy in the place with a bunch of faces I already know. 

The paleo diet focus coincides nicely with Judy's input. 

Some self examination:

My core is really weak. My aerobic power is only ok, not as good as it was, but I feel like I'm improving. I'm really going to need to be serious about recovery work because I was very stiff and sore this morning and I know I can do something about that.

I should keep a list of things I really suck at and work up a schedule to spend extra time on those. 

My strength is off in the snatch and C&P. Presumably detraining effect. Maybe I'll do some low reps with bigger bells and see what happens.


Other business. 

Paleo eating plan is going well. Daily weight bounces a bit, but I'm down ~13lbs  
in 2 weeks. That's not the whole story though. I feel pretty damn good. I think I'm drinking too much coffee, but the fatigue is largely gone (may be from working out too...) and I haven't felt dizzy/spacey. Blood sugar? I dont know but I'm obviously to keep on doing the same thing.

Jim and I finally got out for a 25 miler on Sunday. The weather was great and I felt pretty decent. Fat, but decent. I'll have to make a decision soon about the MDD ride in August.