Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Thursday: Hell's Bells, no spin. 2 hand swings, 5/10/15/20/25/30/ and back down, on the minute. 1st 3 sets w/35#, balance w/ 53#. Alt 25 swings (53#) w/ cardio. 5 x 5 1 arm swing, snatch, front squat.

Friday: 25 mile ride w/ Jim (1:41). Up Lainhart in 7:14.

Yesterday: Extra kettlebell workout at the club. 5 x 1 minute swings w/ 35# & 53# bells for a warm up. 5 x 5 to 1 clean and press R & L using a 35# bell. 5 x 5 to 1 snatch and front squat, R & L.

30 minute spin on an indoor cycle.

Today (Easter). Not a durn thing...and on the seventh day I rested. And it was good. Attending the triduum and Easter Mass just wore me out. Thought about going for a ride, napped instead.

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