Friday, January 25, 2013

Kelvin, Farenheit or Celcius, it's cold outside mofo...

Highlights from the preceding week:

Today was really productive. Again the routine on Friday has been centered around the snatch. After running through the Burgener warm up we went on to do 5 x 5 from a high hang. I went a bit lighter than the recommended percentage at 95 lbs for the entire session. I was able to concentrate on a quick hard pull with extension and drop into a very low squat to receive the bar. I don't think I was extending to my toes, so I wish I'd shot video. Next time. After some ab work then a short and futile attempt at double unders I moved on to row. Without really meaning to I started out at a pace, 2:05, that would have been too hard to hold and actually held on to it for most of the distance. I finished up with a time of 20:39. I'm not sure whether I'm more fit, using better technique or because I pulled at a higher resistance setting (6 1/2). 

Thursday I just did the kettlebell class.

Wednesday: Partnered on 5 x 1 push press to 175 for sure, maybe 185. 

Tuesday: Squats at ACF. 3 x 8 @ 225/255/375. Nice metcon of 8/4/24
power cleans @155, 4 HSPUs (scaled) & 24 calorie row. 

Another week of f**ked up bench press program as my shoulders were hashed from Monday and Tuesday. Squat work out of the monolift continued to rock as 
I put up 401 for 4. My original intent was to do it raw, but at 360 my knees were and quads were feeling the work from previous wods so I put on squat shorts. All 4 reps were fairly easy and I definitely had the juice for a fifth. 

Monday: Hang power clean & hang squat clean. Cool! Felt good but here is a suck. Target this for immediate attention. Wod was Cindy. Only got 10 rounds, pushups slowed me down but I got them all strict. Managed 1 kipping PU on each round followed by ring rows.

Early in the week my weight was around 229. My official weigh in this morning was 232.0, lowest yet on Judy's scale. 

Big plans for tomorrow. I need to start scaling up my total cardio volume.

On another note, the temperature at 0545 when I start my car has been around 0 degrees F.  

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