Friday, February 1, 2013

January wrap up.

Well, my weight is holding at about 230 which isn't bad. Staying strict on the nutrition side so I know the numbers will creep down. I didn't do a lot this weekend but I certainly didn't rest either. 

Saturday I worked power cleans and squat cleans. I didn't come close to 190 but I did start to make headway on technique at a light weight. Did 5 sets of GHRs and 6 sets of good mornings up to 185. The surprise of the day was the 2 k row Chris W and I finished up with, 7:46 for me. Not easy but cool to get the entire first half at sub 2:00 pace. 185 felt like too much and sort of strained my back although I didn't hurt afterward. Read on though...

Sunday I came in for kettlebell conditioning. 10 x 5 R+L presses done @ 20kg. 5 x 5 doubles done alternating 16kg/20kg. This sucked. Started off w/ TGUs which felt good.

Monday we partnered on split jerks from a floor rack/ Warmed up and hit (5 x 1) 185/195/200/205/210. Then Diane done rx weight and HSPUs (inverted scaling thing) PUs were good, DLs were horrible, strained my hips flexors/low back on set 2 #14. Hurting a bit now but managing...

Tuesday. Lots of couch/butterfly stretching. High bar squat day to a 1RM. Warmup: 135x5/225x3/315/365 --405 (easy) then a miss at 430. Quads a bit taxed from yesterday and the session was too fast. We'll see what happens later at CE. The metcon was 3 rounds of {100 SUs(scaled)/15 burpee over bar/10 hang cleans } 14 + minutes.

Good session tonight at CE. My bench press felt a bit better than last week but still not great. Planned double at 248 was a complete bust. Next week I may have a whole new program from Dyke, or I may finish with board presses or camber bar presses. 2nd squat session went well. Good warm up. 135x5/225x3/315x1/365/390 then 420 x 2. New pr and a double. Estimated new 1 RM ~460 in briefs.

Wednesday: 228 after the wod! 
3 x 5 push presses 140/145/155
Isabel @115 in 4:39 
5k row in 21:08

To make post workout refueling just a bit easier I went back to using ON whey + almond milk (mostly) and a tbsp of cocoa powder.

Taking Thursday off to recover. Did a couple of sets of close grip benching and a few sets of club swinging.

Friday. Snatch day. Progress was not great today, but not horrible. Was supposed to do 5 heavy singles. warm up was a bit rushed. 135/145/155(3 misses)/152(2 misses) and out of time. 10 minute amrap of 
5 ground to overhead: clean & push jerk @135#
7 wall balls @20# 
9 ring dips. Scaled this to a position low enough to put my toes on the floor w/ legs bent & keep the torso upright. Hard, good choice. Got 4 rounds + 8.

5k row. Slack start for 1st 1k. 500m @ < 1:50. Recovery @~2:05-2:10. Blew up. Pulled stronger for the last 1500. 20:59 & 315 calories.

Post wod weight 229.5. My nutrition was not so good yesterday. Got into some wheat and sugar...  

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