Friday I hit the morning wod and CE in the evening. Great progress on the snatch from a hang position and a challenging metcon. Cardio only on Saturday & Sunday.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I was in Houston with my sisters for a funeral. Tough trip supporting my oldest sister. Diet was pretty good but I had too much wine and scotch. I didn't suffer too badly in the wods so I must not have gone too far astray.
Friday's PL session was a mix of good and bad. My bench work was horrible but the squat work was very good.
Here I am banging out 405 for a fairly easy triple. Why video myself? Critique. Notice on rep # 2 my left knee deflects inward a bit coming out of the hole. On rep # 3 I have some weird oscillation of the bar on my left side. That kind of crap needs to be trained out if I'm going to keep going up and not get injured. I can also see I'm hitting depth ok but I'd like to be a little wider and just a bit deeper.
I meant to update my starting benchmarks after completing Fran and forgot, so here they are.
Starting weight: 238
95# & ring rows
6:44 (PR!)
1 RM Squat
415 (PR!)
10k Row
44:07 (PR!)
1 RM Snatch
150 (PR!)
7 min AMRAP burpees
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