Monday, May 16, 2011

Freaking rain! It's been raining (mostly on) and off since Saturday night and it's supposed to keep right on until next Saturday. I managed to get in a short spin at the campus Saturday afternoon but it wasn't fun. The wind was strong and it rained on and off. I would rather ride in the rain than deal with high winds. After calling it quits I went over to the club and did some clean and presses. 5 ladders of 4 to 1 rungs R and L with my 20 kg bell.

I took yesterday entirely off to rest my legs.

Got a late start out of the office and so did not start spinning until almost 5:20. Maintained an easy spin until 6, then headed off to kettlebell class.

Warm up:
12 tabata rounds of 2H swings with a 53# bell.
4 tabata rounds of goblet squats. - 53#
8 tabata rounds of clean and front squat (4R/4L) -53#
6 tabata rounds of reverse lunges (3R/3L) 1st 4 w/53#, then 20kg.

finished with 2 rounds of farmers walks/2H swings with partners.

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