Monday, March 14, 2011

Last Friday: Lots of upper body work. Standing military press, dips, pushups, tricep extensions and curls, followed by 45 minutes on the spin bike.

Saturday: Some follow-up upper body work, pullups, more curls, pushups. Then squats. Brought in the cambered bar (thanks JR). Some warm up sets then 10 x 155, 2 x 8 x 245, ? x 315. Legs felt good, even the left side. The ligaments on the inside and outside have felt a bit sore now and then. Not sure what sets it off.

Sunday: Rest.

Monday: 40 minute spin as a warm up to kb class.

Hell's Bells.
Warm up: Was supposed to be a run/farmer's walk outside around the parking lot. I skipped the run and went right to the FW, 2 laps w/ 53#.

2 x 5 kb burpees.

Tabata rounds:

8 x 2 arm swings w/ 53#.
4 russian twisters/4 bell juggle w/ 35#
8 thrusters, 4L/4R w/ 35#
8 reverse lunge, 4L/4R w/ 35#

5.5 minutes (mostly) non-stop russian/american swings

I've been following the reports coming out of Japan following the earthquake and tsunami. Horrible. Threat of multiple core meltdown events at Fukushima Daiichi.

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