Saturday, March 26, 2011

Be gone Winter!

Dear Winter, It's been a lot of fun now enough is enough. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

Call me a wuss but I just can't get excited about riding when it's below 50 degrees. So although the sun was out today I still am riding indoors.

I did a few sets of dips, push ups, standing military presses, curls and sit ups. I was a little bummed with my overhead lifts. I only got one rep @135 and the bar was slow going up.

Next I got on the spin bike for 70 minutes. I did 2 intervals of out-of-the saddle spinning @~70-75rpm, 1 for 3 minutes, 1 for 5 minutes and it felt pretty good. Jim joined me for the last 25 minutes but wanted to do a bit more, so while he used the elliptical I tried out the rower. That felt pretty damn good. Did 4km in 20 minutes.

Looking forward to yoga class tomorrow.

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