Monday, February 7, 2011

Early start

I make no secret that I have never made friends with my trainer. Although I managed a couple of months of good sessions in the early winter of 2009, I couldn't keep it up after roughing up my taint.

When I lost decent riding hours to daylight savings I had to something given my expanding girth.

Enter the Gym.

Spinning classes are offered at the Court Club and I figured, what the fuck, it cant be worse than any of the alternatives. Besides, it was a good opportunity to hang with my brother. Skip ahead to today, and, spinning classes suck quite a bit actually. I'll get back to that later, right now I want to talk about stuff I like.

I am becoming a big fan of strength training, but more than just trying to push big(ger) weights. One of the benefits of the gym membership is access to the many diverse fitness classes they offer. One of these is BodyPump. I can do without the canned techno crap, but non-stop large muscle activation with moderate weight is an ass-kicker.

I've also gotten quickly hooked on yoga. If you already practice yoga you're thinking, "yep, I'll bet." I scoffed for years at it thinking it was just a way to do stretching.

Although I've got a lot of new stuff going on, I'm going to mention kettlebell training last, and use this as log for what we go over in class. I can do two classes each week and the instructor runs everybody through basic stuff during the 1st half, then teaches more complicated technique in the 2nd.

Class 1:
warm up: J jacks, air squats,
2 arm swings, 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets.
2 arm swings, alt russian/american 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets
clean and press, 1 rung x 5 reps.

Class 2:
warm up: j jacks, air squats, knee ups, heel ups, planks
2 arm swings,
1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets.
1 arm swings, 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets.
2 arm swings, alt russian/american 1 min on/1 min recovery x 5 sets
learned the TGU.
k'bell burpees.
Worked with a 35# bell tonight. Shattered.

Its been a few weeks since I put the bike on the Kurt so I have no idea what my wattage looks like. I do know that I want to get down to 180 by August 1st and I'm doing 6 and 7 days a week in the gym.

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