My current weight is 232. I'm not happy about this as I've fought over this territory several times before. I'm still working with Judy Torel and I will definitely be continuing. My weight loss goal is to get to 12% body fat then re-evaluate. Judy calculated this at 209 lbs. I want to be at that weight or lower by May. To help get there I will continue to keep a food and exercise journal. I'll try to add interesting benchmarks here as often as I can.
I have committed to doing the Tough Mudder in May. I'll be ready. My two co-conspirators had better be as well!
I've also entered the ACF/CCP 90 Day Challenge.
Benchmark WODs:
- Fran(95/65)Scaled(55/35)
- 1 RM Snatch
- 7 minute AMRAP Burpees
- 10k Row
- 1 RM Squat
Some other 2013 Crossfit goals:
- Pull ups. I want them. I will have them.
- Rope skipping. I look like a spazz now. I will master this.
- Oly Lifts. Mine suck because I don't practice them. I respect these and I want better numbers. I will dedicate training time and improve them. I want my 1 RM numbers > my body weight for each lift.
- Current rowing PRs are 10k/46:55, 5k/22:10, 2k/8:06. Goals are; under 40/under 20/under 7:30.
- Improve the quality and frequency of the mobility work I perform.
General fitness:
- 5 hours of cardio/week!
- Hit certain areas daily as able that may be excluded in wods, accessory work, etc such as...
- triceps, abs, posterior chain.
- Please no injuries. Please.
- Bench Press. PR is currently 245 and am ready for at least 250. Goal is 300 for a single.
- Squat. PR is currently 410. Goal is 450 at a body weight < 210.
- Deadlift. PR is currently 440. Goal is 500 for a single, 455 for a triple and no hamstring injuries of any kind. Please.
- 20 minute average power > 240 watts.
- Sub 5 minute ascent of Lainhart Rd.
- 9 lap TT at NYS Campus < 60 minutes.
That ought to do it for now. If you were here and read this, please leave a comment.
I think your goals are very doable. Are you still working Westside? I really liked tough murder last year and would do it again. Interested in some cooperative cardiovascular in the snow, a La XCSki and the like?
Westside, not exactly although still powerlifting 1 day/week. Oh Hell Yes on the cardio!
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