Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell 2012.

New Year's Eve. Well, I have made zero progress since my last post although I did hit some workouts and (over)ate like shit. Enough.

I'm starting the "new year" right now. I hit the 630 wod this morning and paid for my culinary indiscretions. The warm up made me feel horrible and it didn't get much better. Hang power cleans went ok, if not uninspiring. The metcon was a near disaster. 

3 rounds of
    12 burpee box overs
    9 C2B
    7 Deadlift (315/225)  

The DLs should have been easy, instead I couldn't get 315 off the floor for one! I settled on 275 and scaled the C2Bs to ring rows, and box overs to climb overs but at least over a 24 inch box. Took me 12 minutes to finish and I was finished.

I do have one interesting thing to add for now. I got a pair of these for Christmas. They're 10lbs each and came from Ageless Strength

I've used them for a couple of hours now and I really like them. Most likely will post some video when I stop clonking my head.

I also wanted to post some information about my nutrition planning and the food journal my coach has me using. This is from this morning, after breakfast and before lunch. Some of this is scientific and some is an approximation. 
On the right side of today's entry you'll notice "2400 BMR". This was measured by my coach using a CO2 monitor/inspired air flow meter. I can post details another time. I researched the equipment and it is pretty damn accurate. Below that is "200 wod". This is an estimate I made today on the calorie expenditure for today's workout. Today I only did the wod, nothing extra, and the number is based on an estimated maximum of 400 kilocalories. From the sum of those values I decrement 500 to provide a dietary deficit. The balance becomes my food budget for the day.

I am following a plan that calls for 5 meals throughout the day and a 40/30/30 nutrient distribution. I plug my daily budget value into a spreadsheet formula I cooked based on values provided by my coach and I get the following 5 sets of values. I round these off to make meal preparation easier. The 1st value is the total in kilocalories for that meal and is followed by the protein/carbohydrate/fat subtotals. 

Meal 1 is breakfast, 2 is lunch, 3 is a mid-meal snack, 4 is dinner and 5 is a small snack taken an hour or two before bed. The goal is to never go more than 4 hours without eating. Foods are chosen from a list, loosely based on Paleo Diet for Athletes.

I try to weigh all my food, journal all my food choices, and, here's the hard part. Make entries for the unplanned stuff. Like cookies and that piece of cake. That part is harder than weighing and calculating. It just sucks. Which is the point I think. I've slacked some on the journal, but no more. This is all part of my 90 day challenge and beyond.

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