Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Interesting week so far. The weather has been cold and rainy so I'm not getting much extra time on the bike. Last Sunday Jim and I rode ~32 miles and had to wait for an icy T-storm to pass. Luckily we were still in the lot because there was a bunch of hail as well. I've still felt very slow on the bike with no real power. Towards the end of the last ride my upper back was hurting a bit too. 

It was a really shitty looking day, very cloudy and little sun. Amazing how amber lenses can change your entire perspective.

Off the bike I've had some great WODs. With Dean Leber's help today I managed to get a good front rack position and was able to front squat for real for the first time. The last 2 days have really tired me out though and I need extra sleep and better recovery. Going to try hitting the rack at 10 and also going to pick up some creatine monohydrate and try supplementing my post-workout shakes with it. Maybe it will help lighten my mood as well. 

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