Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday 6/25.

Missed out on 3 days of perfect riding weather doing prep work for a home improvement project. Strangely enough I felt like shit over the weekend, following feeling like shit on Thursday and barely surviving kettlebell class. 

I was hoping to feel better today but it wasn't great and I didn't have much energy. Bummed too because I went to bed at 1030. My arms and shoulders still feel beat up from last week, but I managed to squat snatch 135 x 1 x 3.
During the AMRAP part of the WOD I dropped down to 95 for power snatches but only got 6 to 7 reps/minute.

Upper body felt pretty sore afterward but it passed quickly. Skipping Monday night spin to work on the house and sleep. 

Hopefully I'll have some energy post-WOD tomorrow to bench or do some lower body work. The weather is supposed to suck so it seems unlikely I'll be hitting the campus in the evening.

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