Saturday, November 3, 2007

Every time I mount the bike on the trainer I swear I'm going to learn to like riding in the cold. The last couple of rides have been in 40 degree temps with lots of wind. The colder air temps are bad enough but the wind always sucks. I was a bit disappointed today as I only managed 17.0 mph over 20 miles and 182 watts average/ 199 watts normalized. I'm down to 215 or 216 lbs so I'm still making progress.

My last workout on the trainer was kind of a bust. For some reason my legs always ache on the trainer and I don't seem to be able to push as hard. If I spend time on the KK every day the discomfort lessens somewhat. Tomorrow looks to be the only day I'm going to want to ride outdoors for the coming week so it will be time to suck it up and get used to it.

I've been keeping track of my weight, resting heart rate (RHR) and blood pressure in a database since June. I wrote a simple .net user interface to input and display the data. I'm definitely a data geek, but it really is helpful to be able to view historic data in order to keep progress and plateaus in perspective. My RHR at this point varies from 45 to 48 and BP has been running around 125/64.

A final note for today. Many of us use HR monitors, GPS, Power Meters, etc., to capture ride data. For anyone that values historic monitoring data and stores electronic files, plan on backing up your data. It's not a question of if but when you'll experience some hardware malfunction and then your historic data is gone. It just happened to me and I really should have known better. Stupid me.

1 comment:

Todd said...

I grew up in Western New York and used to jog in winter. I never really got used to it. I remember often going out for a run and just sort of skidding around on slush over a layer of ice on the road. Finally I just couldn't bring myself to get out there in the cold.