Sunday, November 11, 2007

Indoor training

Well the first week of indoor-only training is behind me and wasn't horrible. On the down side, rolling the clocks back knocked the crap out of me and I just wanted to sleep all week. I was starting to think I was sick but a bunch of people I work with reported feeling dog tired as well. On the upside, I feel pretty good being on the trainer for short workouts of an hour. I need to ramp up the intensity this week and push the duration out. Also, I jumped off the trainer and right onto the treadmill. Starting off doing a mile at a slow pace and it felt pretty good. This week I'll stretch the time out a bit. I also am going to start fencing lessons pretty soon, so I've been drilling the basic footwork and bladework. My blade control seems pretty good but I about crippled myself practicing balestra.

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